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Visual Communications
Creating graphics is exhilarating because they instantly make a point come across with visuals that persuade emotion that could be complicated to achieve through plain text. I have created graphic marketing campaigns for projects such as social media, print, advertisements, logo design, postcards, certificates, calendars, event flyers, photo-op, banners, brochures, even Snapchat filters & my custom Real Estate marketing material!
I have found a beautiful connection with nature through flower art. During high school, I was an FFA (Future Farmers of America) member. I majored in agriculture with an emphasis in floriculture and was a member of FFA, Future Farmers of America, and I worked at a florist shop named Flower Power in Camarillo, CA. Later I studied Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, at the Jorehi Fellowship Center. I have arranged flowers for dozens of events and always love the opportunity to get to work with nature.
Family First, The Marshawn Lynch Movie
I styled and decorated the set for a Debonair Productions movie, Family First. It was about Marshawn Lynch's upbringing from his early Oakland years to becoming NFL Super Bowl XLVIII champions in 2014 with the Seattle Seahawks. The movie took place in three eras where we had to style the entire cast according to each period. These years ranged from middle school in 1997-1999, high school in 2000-2004 and current championship year 2013-2014. It was a great experience that required constant improvisation. I decorated and prepared the sets for filming both in-studio & at offset locations. Unfortunately, the movie was never approved by Marshawn Lynch and it is not expected to release.

Conduct Review Board

During the 2012-2013 school year, I served as a Juror on the SF State Residential Life Conduct Review Board. The purpose of the board was to provide a peer review of student disputes and alleged violations, and decide the outcomes of these cases; all while creating a more positive living environment for all campus residents. Emphasis was placed on promoting an understanding of how individual actions can impact the community. My team & I developed educational programs around issues of safety, security, drugs and alcohol. As a member of the board and student advocate, I was a role model in the community and helped foster a positive and encouraging impression in the Residence Halls on campus.
Family & Consumer Studies Showcase
The Cyber Goth and EDM subcultures inspired me in creating this avant-garde multimedia sculpture. I took a spin on the Cyber Goth dress style by creating a fetish face with PU stretch fabric and lace. I reinvented the traditional cyberloxs by crocheting loxs of yarn and adding silver mylar. Her goggles were made of aluminum cans and coils, and the eyelashes could not have been forgotten! The entire sculpture was created with recycled materials. Later it debuted at the Consumer & Family Studies/Dietetics Senior showcase. I designed the official showcase flyer.

Shadow Box- Fur Farming in the Fashion Industry
I designed, created and installed a shadow box representing the social issue within the Angora rabbit fur farming industry. The thought process began with this sketch. Later the shadow box became this poignant installation where the point was successfully displayed. The narrative is courtesy of PETA Asia.

BRILLIANCE- The Gems of San Francisco State
I debuted this gothic inspired runway look at BRILLIANCE, San Francisco State's Winter 2013 Runway show. I partnered with a classmate to create this look. They designed the top, I designed the bottom. I created this black, red silk lined, invisible zippered skirt.

La Noche Inmemorable
I am bilingual in Spanish! Who says Spanish can not be fun? In 2011, while studying Spanish at San Diego City College, my classmates and I made this really fun skit. The three of us wrote, filmed and edited this production.
The Fashionistas Club
My senior year at Adolfo Camarillo High School, I created, founded and became President of the school's first fashion club, The Fashionistas. I had the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising sponsor our club. We met twice a week. I organized events, taught DIY classes and created fundraisers. The Fashionistas fashion club continues to this day at my high school!

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